One more go 'round at the VC
I first heard about the Visitors Center back in February of 2005 when I met Kevin Scott. He told me all about the job and I decided right then and there that I had to work at the VC. Trouble was, they only hire once a year and that's in January. I had apparently missed the boat.
Well, back in October I heard rumors that the VC was having trouble finding folks to fill certain shifts during the school day. I essentially went in and begged for work and things clicked - I've been there ever since. And I can't describe how blessed I feel to have had that experience. The people I work with and work for are phenomenal. The hilarious stories about the crazy folks that come in looking for maps or phone numbers or restaurant recommendations are priceless. The walks around North Campus are still gorgeous. The friends I've made will last me a lifetime.
With that in mind, I'm going in for my last shift in less than three hours. It's bittersweet. As sad as I am to see it go, I realize how lucky I am that I got to experience it in the first place. The VC has had a major effect on me and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm gonna miss you, Four Towers Building...