Finding my groove
Law school isn't feeling so novel anymore. That's a nice feeling. Instead of waking up curious about how the day will go, I feel like I'm falling into a routine. Packing in four hours of studying on a Monday afternoon doesn't seem out of place. Running back to my apartment in between a morning Torts class and afternoon Contracts class for a quick nap and a bite of lunch doesn't feel hurried, it's a nice little break. Things are feeling smooth. That makes me happy.
In light of all that, I definitely had my "Welcome To Law School" moment today. In Contracts I raised my hand to answer a question about the Supreme Court which I thought would be a really brief, 20 word answer and the professor would move on. Not the case. Instead, McCoy grilled me for the next six or eight minutes on why the Supreme Court best fits the American Constitutional system, forcing me to call up all kinds of legal and historical reasoning to defend an answer I knew was correct. Unbeknownst to me, during my interrogation, 9:00 had passed and the rest of the class was ready to go. I'm busy digging for answers when the professor says, "You'd better get to it quickly, the rest of the class is ready to go, we're on their dime now," or something to that effect. My response was to stand up, close the lid of my laptop and tell the professor I was ready to go, also. It was a pretty comical moment but he didn't let me off the hook that easily. In a minute or two, someone else bailed me out and the class got to leave maybe four minutes late. But I held my own for about seven of the eight minutes. It was nerve-racking and challenging. I was getting nervous. But in some weird, twisted way, it was pretty fun...
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