Friday, September 01, 2006

Goin' on up the Big House

In about an hour I'll be getting on a bus and heading to Ann Arbor, Michigan. It'll be my first football game as a Vandy student. Vanderbilt at Michigan in the largest college football stadium in the nation. I'm really excited about it. It's a road trip set up by Vandy's Student Life department. We'll get on this bus (me, my roommate and about 200 other students), drive all night to Michigan, get off the bus, tailgate, go to the game, then get back on the bus and come back to Nashville (ETA: 3 a.m. Sunday). It's gonna be a blast. Hopefully there will be pictures. My prediction: Michigan 34, Vandy 21.

In other exciting news, I've officially taken over as a coordinator of Bar Review, the weekly law school social get together. For the rest of the year I'll be in charge (along with one other 1L) of getting a bar for all of the law students every Thursday night. I officially found out about this on Wednesday afternoon so that left me about 24 hours to get everything set up for last night. It worked out just fine and there were a TON of people out. We had probably around 30 people over at our apartment to pre-game and we made the short walk over to The Sportsman's Grill, a great bar in Hillsboro Village. It was a massive success and I feel really great about it.

It should be a fun weekend. I'll be exhausted by Sunday, but it'll be great. Go 'Dores.


At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was this your first time in Michigan?


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