Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's been a while

After an unplanned break, I'm back to the Blog. It's been quite a week, for sure. Lots and lots of work, a trip to the Vandy-Michigan game in Ann Arbor, planning for Bar Review #2, Labor Day, a Birthday party, all sorts of fun stuff. This week has been a little hectic because of all the school stuff we've had but I'm still digging it. And I've surely found plenty of time to play. There's no reason for anyone to worry about me taking things to seriously...

The regular Monday night poker game is going quite well. We've got a Tournament of Champions style thing set up where, in addition to weekly pots, we're earning points towards an end of the semester championship night which will probably have $300 or more in the kitty. That's nice. We've got a good group of guys (and a handful of girls) who are coming out every week to play so it's cool to have some consistent competition. I need to start paying more attention to how other people play if I wanna win that big money.

Tonight is Bar Review #2 with me at the helm. This week it's at On The Rocks on Demonbreun, one of the big streets for bars and clubs. More importantly perhaps, it's also opening night for the NFL. Get excited. Just a couple more days until the big Falcons-Panthers game. Oh yeah, and a football team I'd die for is playing a football team I hate passionately on Saturday. Georgia v. South Carolina. It's gonna be ugly. Final score: UGA 23, USC 10


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