Sunday, August 20, 2006

Everybody's working for the weekend

It's been a very collegiate, Nashville-y weekend for me. A great mix of all kinds of stuff. Played some poker, music, golf and beer pong (in that order). Slacked off on reading for the first day of class that should be done by now (instead I'm blogging). The parents came through town for a quick dinner (they were on their way back from moving my sister in at Indiana University). A nice, relaxing time with lots of good people. Felt a lot like undergrad. I'm okay with that.

Best line of the weekend, surprisingly enough, actually came from a little place called Two Rivers Baptist Church. Another 1L and I made it up for the (gasp!) 9:30 service this morning and drove out to said place of worship. Everything was going along just fine until the preacher said, verbatim, "If you love Jesus, you'll watch Fox News." He was only half kidding. He lost me for the rest of the message. He followed that line with a 45-second diatribe lambasting anyone who blames President Bush for how Katrina was handled. Don't know what it had to do with the sermon. It definitely stood out though. Something tells me I might not go back to Two Rivers. Very friendly place, though. The people were very friendly and welcoming...

So tomorrow is my first day of class. Only two on the day, one in the morning, one early afternoon. Shouldn't be too bad. Except for the fact that I haven't done my reading yet. So I should probably wrap up this blog, pronto.


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