Saturday, August 26, 2006

One down, thirteen to go

Well, I've officially finished my first week of law school. For those of you keeping score at home, it's hard as all get out but fascinating. I'm having to make my mind work in ways it never has before just to keep up. The hours are long but the work is very fulfilling. The professors are doing a great job of making the course material feel relevant and applicable. And since yesterday wrapped up week one, there was definite need for celebration...

Things got kicked off with the Blackacre at the law school yesterday afternoon. Blackacre is code for "weekly keg at the law school with catered food." Yeah, they get us kegs every Friday afternoon. And yesterday wasn't just any Blackacre. It was the Fantasy Football Draft Blackacre. I started up a league with 12 of us 1L's and we had draft central over at the law school. Beer, fried chicken and football is a good combination. Things went pretty well for me... I'm not crazy about my wide receivers but I'm feeling really good about Edgerrin James, Carson Palmer and the New York Football Giants defense.

From the Blackacre a group of about ten of us went to dinner at a great place called Cabana. Fancy stuff. Like had to have reservations fancy stuff. Tasty stuff too. They have booths that have curtains on them so you can close them off and have your own private spot. A really cool concept for a restaurant.

So after we wrapped up dinner, all of us headed over to The Stage, the most packed and rowdy Honky Tonk you can imagine. I mean, we went all out. And had a BLAST. The musicians in the band were all incredible and they played every song just like the record. I may not go for slick Nashville country when I'm listening to music at the house (give me Waylon Jennings any day), live and in person, out on the dance floor that junk is fuuun. You know you had a good night when one of your friends is dancing onstage with the band for the last song of the night.

The only logical conclusion for a night like that is an early morning pool party. So we did. If the guy living on the first floor right next to the pool is reading this, sorry we woke you up, you were really cool about asking us to quiet down nicely. Thanks, man. You didn't cramp our style at all. We kept on rocking like champs. Swimming pools at 4 a.m. are cool.

What a week. What a night. I think I'm gonna like law school.


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