Friday, August 18, 2006

Baby Boomers love me

I'm officially orientated. I've got my Vanderbilt Student ID. I've bought my textbooks. I have a Vanderbilt sticker on my car. I think I'm pretty much official. Yeah. I'm a 1L.

Two more days of freedom until classes kick off. And the freedom is already a little limited - we've got assigned reading for our classes on Day One. Who has heard of homework before school starts? They don't play games here.

Orientation has been great. Just meeting tons and tons of people and trying to find my spot in the school and the student body. It's been amazing to me how comfortable it has all felt the entire time. The social atmosphere is so welcoming and everybody is anxious and excited to dive right in. It really makes you feel at home.

Last night was my first Bar Review as a 1L and things were wild and crazy, as planned. It was at this great bar/pool hall called Buffalo Billiards downtown and it was packed with law students. It's nice to see everybody really letting loose before things get rolling. I pre-gamed with some friends at their apartment and headed for the party and the night just rocked right along from there. Finally got into bed around 3:30. Got up at 7:30. That wakeup call was ugly.

We spent the majority of our morning in small groups doing community service projects. There were about eight or nine of us per group and my crew was assigned to the Fannie Battle Center, a reduced-rate daycare for under priveliged children. They had us doing anything you can imagine... scrubbing the kitchen floors, playing exterminator as we helped out with their cockroach problem, washing a school bus, you name it. The hightlight of it all was the fifty-something, rotund black woman who kept hitting on me while I was working, saying things like, "Ooh child, you so talll, you got them pretty legs and them soft lips. Mmmm MMM!!!" Glad to know I still got it.

Off to play some poker then hit some parties tonight. Gonna play 18 with some other 1Ls tomorrow. Should be a great weekend.


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